-- -- ---------------------------------------
Videl in practice
-------------------------------------- - - --
Maybe you're wondering 'why another Videl guide'? There's a good Videl overview
by Chris/Aura, there's the english translation by Tat/Avena, there's software
called Screenpain where you can set any resolution you want... And still a lot
of ppl don't know how to set any resolution 'by hand' I was very surprised by
an answer on dhs board in the style of 'we are using Screenpain, why waste time
in studying Videl regs'... Just for fun and the good feeling you know a little
bit more than yesterday! =) Second reason to write may be the fact in BOTH docs
I've got were some typing errors (esp. in Tat's one - global using of
copy&paste isn't very good practise :-) and a last reason - it's always a good
exercise for an author to write any tutorial :-) (I'm not joking - you can't
imagine how much I learned while typing that ST RAM timing guide)
Raster line
| 1st halfline 2nd halfline |
| |
| | | | | | |
| | | gfx display area | | | |
| | |<----------------->| | |<->|
| | | hsync|
| | | |
left visible screen area right
border border
We see every raster line (including top/bottom border) is divided into 2
halflines. Duration of left/right border, hsync impulse and position of gfx
display can be defined by user. Every raster line consists of a certain number
[(HHT+2)*2] of CYCLES, not pixels. You can tell Videl how many cycles should be
used for 1 pixel. Videl operates with every halfline, not raster line. If you
keep some cycles between left/right borders and gfx display area, you will see
border with colour taken from $ffff9800 register. I think these halflines are
here becoz of TV construction (TV screen consists of 625 halflines) and on VGA
are lines divided 'manually'. But who knows, I'm not a hardware freak..
| | ^
| | |
| | | top border
| | |
| | v
| |------------------------
| | ^
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |--------------- |
| | ^ |
| | gfx | |
| | display| | visible screen area
| | area | |
| | | |
| | v |
| |--------------- |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | v
| |------------------------
| | ^
| |---------------- |
| | ^ | bottom border
| | |vsync |
| | v v
From the horizontal point of view, the screen is divided into a certain [VFT]
number of halflines. The number of 'real' (raster) lines is [VFT]/2. A TV is
able to do 625 halflines, so we can use 312.5 raster lines. Again, if you keep
some halflines between top/bottom border and gfx area, you will see border with
colour taken from $ffff9800 register.
Basic stuff
Hz frequency
Number of lines that can be drawn in one SECOND. Imagine you have a monitor
capable of displaying 31500 lines, you've got screen of 31500 lines with
refreshing rate of one second. But we don't want refreshing every second, but
every 1/60 of second (for VGA 60 Hz) -> 31500/60 = 525 lines. That means our
screen will 'wrap' after 525 lines and during VBL the ray will come back to
upper corner of the screen.
V frequency
Is that 60 number of example above. It says number of VBLs per second. So, for
TV for example, we are able to draw max 312.5 lines, right?
15625/312.5 = 50 Hz. We can see that
Hz frequency
number of raster lines = ------------
V frequency
We also can see if we increase number of VBLs per second (for less eye-
stressing picture), we have to decrease number of lines (for VGA 100 Hz:
31500/100 = 315 raster lines instead of 525); if we don't want to decrease
number of lines, we have to increase hz frequency; if we increase hz frequency,
our lines will be 'bigger', so you have to decrease cycles per pixel; if you
can't decrease cycles per pixel, you have to decrease cycle-time by increasing
Videl clock... shit, what magic! :o)
Back to hz freq: the number 31500 also means the line has to be drawn in
1/31500 = 0.031 ms (vga) and 1/15625 = 0.064 ms (rgb)
one 25.175 MHz Videl cycle = 1/25175000 = 0.040 us
one 32.000 MHz Videl cycle = 1/32000000 = 0.031 us
rgb uses 2 32 MHz cycles per pixel for 640xYYY resolution
vga uses 1 25.175 MHz cycle per pixel for 640xYYY resolution
(for more info about cycles/pixel see below)
time for drawing one pixel:
rgb: 2 cycles * 0.031 us = 0.062 us
vga: 1 cycle * 0.040 us = 0.040 us
time for drawing 640 pixels:
0.062 us * 640 pixels = 0.040 ms (rgb)
0.040 us * 640 pixels = 0.026 ms (vga)
remaining time in one line:
rgb: 0.064 - 0.040 = 0.024 ms for borders
vga: 0.031 - 0.026 = 0.005 ms for borders
We see there's a lot of space on rgb screen; in compare to vga&25 MHz, rgb&32
MHz screen don't fit perfectly. Exactly the same numbers you'll get in 320xYYY
modes, since by 320 pixels/line Videl uses 4 cycles (rgb) and 2 cycles (vga)
per pixel, which is 2 times more. And 320 is two times smaller than 640 =>
differences are eliminated.
From these formulas you see there isn't any information about color-depth of
one pixel. The reason why we can't set 640x480xtc on vga for example is a slow
data bus. Really, if you have Nemesis/Phantom [24/25 MHz bus], there's no
problem to set this resolution. If you switch accelerator off, you will see how
Videl isn't able to catch next 17 longs of video data, nice thing, really ;-)
So why is it possible to set it on tv/rgb?
If you want visible 640xYYY pixels on screen, you have to set 2 (rgb) or 1
(vga) cycles per pixel. And here is that problem - 1 cycle per pixel is
unrealisable on 16 MHz databus, simply, there's a need to transfer data from
st-ram two times faster than on rgb. For BP modes it's enough, but in TC Videl
needs probably more time to catch one pixel from st-ram. Maybe you're asking,
why we need 1 cycle per pixel. We don't need it :-) It's "cosmetic need" -
really, if you set 2 cycles/pixel, 32 MHz (pixels are smaller), you're free to
set around 440x480xtc without ANY problem. 440 pixels are visible maximum on my
monitor with 30 kHz/60 Hz frequencies. I think there's no problem to set
640x480xtc on 50 MHz Videl WITHOUT bursting the databus to >16 MHz (decreasing
of CPU performance is another thing) Some additional info about cycles/pixel is
with divider table some pages below.
When we're talking about frequencies, why don't take a look at VGA 100 Hz. An
advantage of this mode is in decreasing some kind of "wait states". In standard
VGA/60 Hz XXXx240 modes the screen is drawn like this:
1st line: Videl takes data from st-ram and draws it on screen (CPU waits)
2nd line: Videl copies data from 1st line and CPU is still waiting
3rd line: Videl takes data from st-ram and draws it on screen (CPU waits)
4th line: Videl copies data from 3rd line and CPU is still waiting
etc. This isn't 100% correct, but it shows us the problem: every second line
CPU don't do anything, data bus is free and we're wasting time. Logical
solution is switching off the double line, right? OK, click-click, done :-) But
hey, our vga screen isn't a screen, but some kind of tube! (???) Hm, hm, hm, we
have to do something with this small screen. Do you remember meaning of
vertical frequency? It's the time after which the screen is wrapped, right?
With single lines, our screen looks like this:
top border
clear area
320 single lines
clear area
bottom border
You can play with moving display up and down, but in 60 Hz you have still 50%
of screen filled with nothing. So let's move display up. Done? Now you have:
top border
320 single lines
clear area
bottom border
Now you probably know, what will be the next step - we don't need 320 lines of
nothing, so we say to Videl that screen can be wrapped 320 lines earlier. How
to get the exact frequency?
31500/525 = 60 Hz
We know that our resolution has 480 lines: 525-480 = 45 lines for borders. Now
we want only 240 lines: 240+45 = 285 lines at all.
31500/285 = 110.5 Hz
110.5 Hz? That isn't 100 Hz! With 110.5 Hz you'll get perfect screen without
any borders. Why to use 100 Hz screen with stupid white borders? (I know, I
know, clr.l $ffff9800.w isn't a problem in TC, but what about bitplanes ?) Only
reason in my mind is the same picture size as in rgb/50 Hz modes. If your fx is
able to run in 110 fps and you decrease vertical frequency to 100 Hz, your fx
WILL run slower. But how many fxes are able to do so? Very few I guess. And, if
you have any fx slower than 1 vbl, vertical frequency isn't important anymore
since you will use triplebuffer and triplebuffer isn't depend on VBL (ok, ok,
screens are swapped in VBL, but I think the difference between 100 and 60 hz
with 34 fps fx can be ignored)
It's true 60 Hz double-line mode takes SOME time against single-line mode, but
I really doubt it's more than catching 320*240 words from st-ram with two times
bigger frequency (than rgb/50). Remember 320x240/tc/vga/60 takes about 16% of
CPU time and vga/100 takes 26% !!! I compared 320x240xtc mode with and without
double-lines, speed difference is maybe 2%-3% (Videl don't read same lines
again from st-ram but from its buffer). For future: if you're coding slower
fxes, lower value of vertical frequency is always better since more VBLs means
more loading screens by Videl = more bus halting.
OK, I think I could stop to bore you with this theory, the name of this article
is "Videl in PRACTISE", isn't it? :)
Let's look over some standard values for rgb/tv and vga:
rgb/tv vga
Hz frequency: 15625 Hz 31467 Hz
Duration of HSync impulse: 4.7 us 3.81 us
Duration of right border: 6.2 us 4.45 us
Duration of left border: 5.145 us 1.91 us
V frequency: 50 Hz 59.58 Hz
Duration of VSync impulse: 0.192 ms 0.064 ms
Duration of top border: 1.504 ms 1.008 ms
Duration of bottom border: 0.384 ms 0.416 ms
As Chris has written, these values aren't hard and fast. But they're good start
values at least :-)
Before we start with making our own resolution, a little overview of important
Registers is in order:
$FFFF820E [R/W] W _______876543210 Line Offset
How many words are added to the end of display line, i.e. how many words are
'behind' the display.
$FFFF8210 [R/W] W ______9876543210 Line Width (VWRAP)
Length of display line again in words. Or, how many words should be added to
vram counter after every display line. Maybe you're asking what is the
difference between these registers.
length of logical line = width + offset
So if you want virtual screen of 512 pixels width in 320x240xTC:
$ffff820e = 512 - 320 = 192
$ffff8210 = 320
A little help about calculating word values:
line width = (hz resolution/16) * bitplanes
Colours Bitplanes
2 1
4 2
16 4
256 8
65536 16
$FFFF8260 [R/W] B ______10 ST Shift Mode
|| others vga
|| $FF8210 $FF82C2 $FF82C2
00--4BP/320 Pixels=> $0050 $0000 $0005
01--2BP/640 Pixels=> $0050 $0004 $0009
10--1BP/640 Pixels=> $0028 $0006 $0008
11--???/320 Pixels=> $0050 $0000 $0000
Writing to this register does the following things:
- activate STE palette
- sets line width ($8210)
- sets paramaters in $82c2 (double lines/interlace & cycles/pixel)
Before writing to $8260 you have to:
- set correct values (hdb, vdb, ...) for 320x200 or 640x200 or 640x400
- clear $8266 register = setting Falcon 16 color mode; if you don't do it,
you will get strange resolutions
$FFFF8266 [R/W] W _____A98_6543210 Falcon Shift Mode (SPSHIFT)
||| |||||||
||| |||++++- 0..15: Colourbank setting in 8BP
||| ||+----- 0: 8 Bitplanes (256 Colors) off
||| ||+----- 1: 8 Bitplanes (256 Colors) on
||| |+------ 0: internal Vertical Sync
||| | 1: external Vertical Sync
||| +------- 0: internal Horizontal Sync
||| 1: external Horizontal Sync
||+--------- 0: True-Color-Mode off
|| 1: True-Color-Mode on
|+---------- 0: Overlay-Mode off
| 1: Overlay-Mode on
+----------- 0: 2-Color-Mode off
1: 2-Color-Mode on
Writing to this register does the following things:
- activate Falcon palette
- if you set Bits A/8/4 == 0, it selects 16-Color-Falcon-Mode (NOT the
same as ST LOW since Falcon palette is used!)
- $8260 register is ignored, you don't need to write here anything
Note: as you can see, 4-Color-Mode isn't realisable with Falcon palette.
$FFFF8280 [R/-] W ______9876543210 Horizontal Hold Counter (HHC)
It's set after writing to HHT, it counts cycles since HHC reaches HHT+1 value.
Then is 1st halfline finished and HHC starts to count 2nd halfline (again to
$FFFF8282 [R/W] W ______9876543210 Horizontal Hold Timer (HHT)
Number of cycles minus 2 per halfline (not gfx line!). Both halflines use this
| video base clock |
HHT = int|--------------------- - 2|
|Hz freq * divider * 2 |
$FFFF8284 [R/W] W ______9876543210 Horizontal Border Begin (HBB)
On which cycle in SECOND halfline should start right border to the end of
raster line. If HBB > HHT+1, no border is present.
|right border dur in us * video base clock|
HBB = HHT + 1 - int|-----------------------------------------|
| divider |
$FFFF8286 [R/W] W ______9876543210 Horizontal Border End (HBE)
On which cycle in FIRST halfline should end left border from the start of
raster line. If HBE > HHT+1, border over whole raster line is present.
|left border dur in us * video base clock|
HBE = int|----------------------------------------|
| divider |
$FFFF8288 [R/W] W ______9876543210 Horizontal Display Begin (HDB)
+---------- Display will start in:
0: 1. halfline
1: 2. halfline
On which cycle in FIRST OR SECOND halfline should start gfx display.
This value took 90% of the time of my Videl studying... There's a need of some
detailed explanation. Falcon's screen is created in this way:
1. We define in which halfline Videl should start the raster line
2. Videl waits in this halfline until HHC reaches HDB value.
3. Wait state goes here (hdb offset)
4. Videl is drawing until HHC reaches HDE value
5. Wait state goes here (hde offset)
If you draw it on paper:
hdb-off hde-off
hbe=hdb ...active display area... hde hbb
"*" means begining of 2nd halfline. Now you calculate HDB offset:
| |8 words*16 pixels | |
|64 + |----------------- + 16 + 2| * Cycles/pixel|
| | No. of planes | |
HDB offset = int |------------------------------------------------| + 1
in F030 BP mode | divider |
| |8 words*16 pixels | |
|128 + |----------------- + 2| * Cycles/pixel|
| | No. of planes | |
HDB offset = int |--------------------------------------------| + 1
in STE BP mode | divider |
|64 + 16 pixels * Cycles/pixel|
HDB offset = int |-----------------------------| + 1
in TC mode | divider |
The question for me was the relationship between the HDB and HDB offset. After
two months I finally scored a goal, yeah !!! :-) I didn't understand one thing:
how can HDB be nearly the same as HDE, that isn't logical! But imagine we will
create a line in system listed above: after border end we will wait some (hdb
offset) cycles and then drawing can begin. But hey! We reached border end,
we're in visible area already! To avoid a next "border" we have to move
backward in line with horizontal display begin; in some cases we'll get into
negative values (HBE - HDB offset < 0). But this is no problem since we can
define 2nd halfline for HDB, too! Drawing our line will begin in 2nd halfline
and after hdb-offset will start EXACTLY at horizontal border end. Cool, eh?
Once again, formula for calculating HDB:
HDB = HBE - HDB offset; if you get negative value:
HDB = HBE - HDB offset + HHT+2 and set bit 9 of HDB register
$FFFF828A [R/W] W ______9876543210 Horizontal Display End (HDE)
On which cycle in SECOND halfline should end gfx display.
||8 words*16 pixels | |
||----------------- + 2| * Cycles/pixel|
|| No. of planes | |
HDE offset = int |--------------------------------------|
in F030/STE BP | divider |
HDE offset = 0
in TC mode
HBB = HDE + HDE offset => HDE = HBB - HDE offset
When calculating the HDB and HDE it should be noted, that the number of
horizontal pixels cannot be defined arbitrarily, except in Truecolour mode. We
can arrive at the allowed pixel multiple using the following formula:
8 Words * 16 Pixels
Horizontal pixel multiple = -------------------
No. of planes
In truecolour mode a fine definition of 1 pixel is possible.
$FFFF828C [R/W] W ______9876543210 Horizontal Sync Start (HSS)
On which cycle in SECOND halfline should start hsync impulse to the end of
raster line. If HSS > HHT+1, no vsync impulse is present.
|hsync impulse dur in us * video base clock|
HSS = HHT + 1 - int|------------------------------------------|
| divider |
$FFFF82A0 [R/-] W _____A9876543210 Vertical Frequency Counter (VFC)
It's set after writing to VFT, it counts halflines since VFC reaches VFT value.
VFC is increased if HHC = HHT+1
$FFFF82A2 [R/W] W _____A9876543210 Vertical Frequency Timer (VFT)
Number of halflines per screen.
|Hz freq|
VFT = int|-------| * 2 (+1)
|V freq | ^
\_when not interlaced
$FFFF82A4 [R/W] W _____A9876543210 Vertical Border Begin (VBB)
On which halfline should start bottom border to the end of screen.
VBB = VFT - int|bottom border dur in ms * Hz freq * 2|
$FFFF82A6 [R/W] W _____A9876543210 VBlankOff / Vertical Border End (VBE)
On which halfline should end top border from the start of screen.
VBE = int|top border dur in ms * Hz freq * 2| + 1
$FFFF82A8 [R/W] W _____A9876543210 Vertical Display Begin (VDB)
On which halfline should begin gfx display. If VDB > VFT, no display is
present. If VDB > VDE, display is present from VDB to VFT.
$FFFF82AA [R/W] W _____A9876543210 Vertical Display End (VDE)
On which halfline should end gfx display. If VDE < VFT, no display is present.
If VDE < VDB, display is present from VDE to VFT.
$FFFF82AC [R/W] W _____A9876543210 Vertical Sync Start (VSS)
On which halfline should start vsync impulse to the end of screen. Impulse
starts from VSS+1.
VSS = VFT - int|vsync dur in ms * Hz freq * 2|
$FFFF82C0 [R/W] W _______8765_3210 Video Control (VCO)
|||| ||||
|||| ||++- same as bit 7&6 in $ffff0006
|||| |+--- 0: Video base clock 32 MHz
|||| | 1: Video base clock 25.175 MHz
|||| +---- 0: No Half-line-HSyncs
|||| 1: 15 Half-line-HSyncs from start of
|||| bottom border
|||+------ 0: negative VSync-Impulse (5V > 0V)
||| 1: positive VSync-Impulse (0V > 5V)
||+------- 0: negative HSync-Impulse (5V > 0V)
|| 1: positive HSync-Impulse (0V > 5V)
|+-------- 0: 16 Bit-Videobus
| 1: 32 Bit-Videobus (Falcon)
+--------- Hz base offset
0: 128 cycles (ST Low/Mid on RGB and
ST Hi on SM124)
1: 64 cycles (all the others)
Bits 1 and 0 are set same as bits 7 and 6 in $ffff8006:
00 Monochrome
01 RGB - Colormonitor
10 VGA - Colormonitor
11 TV
$FFFF82C2 [R/W] W ____________3210 Video Mode
|||+- 0: Double lines off
||| 1: Double lines on
||+-- 0: Interlace off
|| 1: Interlace on
++--- 00: 4 cycles/pixel
01: 2 cycles/pixel
10: 1 cycle/pixel
11: n/a
Phew, finally we reached the end ! :-) I tried to write it in a more
efficient/clear way than Chris/Tat did.
There are some constants in formulas above:
Video base clock
25.175 MHz or 32 MHz (I recommend to do some experiments with Screenpain - you
will see the difference)
Hmm.. Chris used a very strange (in my eyes) way how to explain it - he defined
some variables called VT and VT_ST and divider = VT*VT_ST. But this is bad,
since YOU define how many cycles you want per pixel ! VT and VT_ST, this is
only thing that implies from your settings! So, a correct way: if you start
making a resolution, you have to think about the number of pixels per line. A
good example is the famous 'hardware pixel doubler' on VGA. All you need is to
change the pixel width, right? And pixel width, that is in other words, number
of cycles per pixel. Normally, 320x240xTC screen has a width of 2 cycles per
pixel. If we want bigger pixels, we have to increase the number of cycles per
pixel. Take a look at $82c2 register - you have the choice of only 4
cycles/pixel since this is max value for pixel width.
We set %0001 (4 cycles/pixel, interlace off, double lines on). And what about
divider? Take a look at this table:
cycles divider for :
per pixel vga others ste
4 4 4 16
2 2 2 16
1 2 1 16
Standard Atari settings:
rgb vga
clock 32 25.175
cycles/pixel for 320 4 2
cycles/pixel for 640 2 1
RGB/TV isn't able to use 1 cycle per pixel except 4 color modes. Interesting.
And VGA isn't able to use 1 cycle per pixel in TC with bigger hz resolution
than 90 pixels. Again interesting.
So divider is in direct dependency of cycles/pixel. It's logical :-)
Back to hardware doubler: it's logical if you increased the pixel width two
times, your resolution has to be two times smaller -> 160 pixels are maximum
with the same hz/v frequency. And what about doubling in vertical direction?
Take a look at our discussion about vga 100 Hz - we switched doubling of lines
off and 100 Hz gives us semi-fullscreen pictures. In case of 4 cycles/pixel our
pixels aren't still squares. What about switching double lines again on? Wow!
Perfect squares! But two times smaller resolution in vertical direction, too!
=) And 100 Hz is a reason, why 'square-modes' can't be used on tv/rgb... or
you've got 150 Hz TV? :)
Now, we know everything, it's time for tekkno! erm, sorry, for a practical
example :-) My first idea was to put here some resolution like 768x512/vga and
show you step by step how to set it. But it isn't so simple - you have to
always experiment what value fits perfectly on your monitor (I mean hz /
vfrequency and position of gfx area). In this way, Screenpain is unbeatable,
you can change position of display only with cursor keys. And Screenpain uses
similar starting values listed in introduction, too. So you start with 31467
Hz, then set all the others and look at result :-) Probably there's a more
efficient way, but I was too lazy to find that mathematical formula. (I think a
good idea is to calculate the time for a line of 640 pixels/25.175 MHz
[perfect picture] and try to find the same value for 768/32 MHz for example,
but this didn't work for 100%, something I'm still missing) So I decided to
take some resolution from Chris' guide and show you how he got these values,
ok? I think 640x400xTC on rgb is always nice example :-)
Cycles/pixel = 2 => divider = 2
rgb => TOS uses 32 MHz video base clock
"-> value" is taken from Chris' doc
$ffff8210 -> $0280
I think this is clear, $280 = 640, in TC 1 pixel = 1 word.
$ffff8260 -> $xxxx
We don't use ST compatible resolutions, we don't need to write here
$ffff8266 -> $0100
Truecolor ON.
$ffff8282 -> $01fe
hht = int (32000000/(15625*2*2)-2) = 510 = $1fe
$ffff8284 -> $0199
hbb = 510 + 1 - int (6.2*32/2) = 412 = $19c
$ffff8286 -> $0050
hbe = int (5.145*32/2) = 82 = $52
$ffff8288 -> $0071
hdb-off for tc = int ((64+16*2)/2) + 1 = 49
hdb = 82 - 49 = 33 = $21, but this is min value, display can start after this
value, too. In this case is gfx display begin equate to visible screen start.
$ffff828a -> $0122
hde-off for tc = 0
hde = 412 - 0 = 412 = $19c, but this is the max value, display can end earlier,
in this case is gfx display end equate to visible screen end.
Here come some experiments - you can move your display area left and right to
get it into centre of screen for example. But keep in mind your gfx line +
offsets consists of ((HHT+2) - HBE) + HBB cycles and your hz resolution can't
be bigger than (gfx line with offsets in cycles * divider)/(cycles per pixel),
in our case (841 * 2)/2 = 841 pixels including (!!!) wait states. Our situation
looks like this:
visible area
^ ^
| clear area |
| /--------\ |
|/ hdb off\ gfx display area clear area|
hbe hdb hde hbb
0 82 113 162 290 412
I used hdb/hde values from Chris' doc. From this example we see gfx display is
(510+2-162+290)*2/2 = 640 pixels.
$ffff828c -> $01b2
hss = 510 + 1 - int (4.7*32/2) = 436 = $1b4
$ffff82a2 -> $0270
vft = int (15625/50)*2 = 624 = $270
$ffff82a4 -> $0265
vbb = 624 - int (0.000384*15625*2) = 612 = $264
$ffff82a6 -> $002f
vbe = int (0.001504*15625*2) + 1 = 48 = $30
$ffff82a8 -> $007e
This is freely definable. Min start value is vbe. If you choose exact raster
vdb = raster line * 2 [+1 if you aren't in interlace]
$ffff82aa -> $020e
Again freely definable. Max end value is vbb. If you choose exact raster line:
vde = raster line * 2 [+1 if you aren't in interlace]
Note that vde - vdb = number of raster lines per screen, in our case: $20e -
$7e = $190 = 400 raster lines.
$ffff82ac -> $026b
vss = 624 - int (0.000192*15625*2) = 618 = $26a
$ffff82c0 -> $0181
- 64 cycles base offset
- 32 bit video bus
- negative hsync impulse
- negative vsync impulse
- no 15 halfline hsyncs
- video base clock 32 MHz
- %01 = rgb
$ffff82c2 -> $0006
- 2 cycles per pixel
- interlace ON
- double lines OFF
And here you are, it wasn't so hard! You certainly know you can't write values
to registers in this order, take a look in DHS' demosystem or output of
Screenpain (save as asm code).
Happy Videl hacking!
MiKRO XE/XL/MegaSTE/Falcon/CT60 mikro.atari.org