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Re: MiNT 0.99 source code
>> Well, 0.99 works fine for me.. in fact I can now use memory protection with
>> used to break my tcsh under 0.98. If you like, I could send you a copy of my
>> mint.prg for you to try.
>Hmm. I tend to blame the libraries. Have you got >pl25 ? I thought
>I had pl27, but "that turns out not to be the case, sir".
I patched the libraries using the interim patchlevel 26 diffs which were
posted here. The main point is that MiNT itself uses hardly any library
code. I must admit that I use my own patched version of scanf.c which passes
the gcctests, I've been meaning to post it for a while now. I can't remember
anything else I've done. I don't thing the patches in pl26 had anything to
do with any of the functions which MiNT does use. Hmm.
The other problem, of course, is that the machine with the stuff on is 15
miles away at home, so it may take a few days to get the source to you. Will
zoo 2.x format be ok?
>If you've got the libraries, I'd like to try compiling it myself -
>just got the X-compiler up and running, and I'm eager to give it a
>go... <grin>
PS. I can't get this mail to you directly as your machine isn't in the NRS
tables. Please could you give me a JANET usable address for you. (I'm having
to bounce this message off another machine to get to you.)
Computer Systems Administrator, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Oxford University.
E-Mail: steve@uk.ac.ox.earth. Tel: Oxford (0865) 282110.