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minix fs syncer
Hi all!
After several crashes of my working partition ;-( I decided to write this little
utility: it sends a 'SIGALRM' to the 'update' demon of minix fs, causing it to
sync tthe fs'.
SIGALRM was the natural choice, since Steven uses Talarm() to schedule fs
P.s.: I crashed my fs' cause I write a SCSI driver, which fiddles with the
interrupt vectors. When this is done before a sync occured, Minix fs can't
on the partition at the next update(), so I loose...
I hope, Steven includes this one (or a similar one) in his releases, since a use
of this before doing anything possibly harmful (e.g. power off, reset button)
might well save your work ;-))
Here's the listing:
#include <mintbind.h>
#include <signal.h>
/* This is a simple minix-fs syncer. It sends SIGALRM to the
'update' process. Since this signal is captured, it causes
a sync on the fs'. */
const char update[]="U:\\proc\\update.*";
int main()
int upid;
_DTA dta;
upid=atoi(&(dta.dta_name[strlen(dta.dta_name)-3])); /* The
process ID is in the 3-byte extension */
printf("update demon notified. File systems are being synced.\n");
else printf("No update demon running. No sync performed.\n");
Greetings, Joe
email: hessdorf@sun.ph-cip.uni-koeln.de
snail mail:
Joerg Hessdoerfer | Remember: warranty void if seal is broken!
Niehler Str. 332 | (broken seal)
BRD 5000 Koeln 60
Telephone: (Germany) 0221/714178 (home) or 02203/6013335 (office)