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Re: 1.08, Pexec mode 200

In message <9308161008.AA17377@math.uni-muenster.de> you write:
> Another question: obviously, there are problems with XFS' which do
> not have a BIOS level (starting with MiNT 1.07). Until now, I didn't
> have time to investigate that myself. What are these problems, and what
> can we do to fix them?

Basically Mediach(dev) returns -15 from the BIOS, which MiNT then passes
back up the call chain until someone spots the error. Right now as far as
I can see we have to have a rwabs/getbpb/mediach handler along the lines
of ofake.xfs in order to get things to work; I don't like this much :-(
Alex Kiernan.