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Binary COnfigurations

Ofcourse some sort of standard configuration tool to modify the hardcoded
paths (and other things as well) is very welcome. It enhances the flexibi-
lity of the system. And I don't mean make+compiler+assembler+linker+...,
but one simple tool, that doesn't need a lot of resources.

It should be possible, with GNU anyway, to modify the executable by
using the symbol-table.  It wouldn't work once the symbol table was
stripped, but once configured on your personal system you could then
strip the symbol table if you like.

A simple utility to just list string variables and allow them to be
edited, with perhaps a fancy GEM interface to make things easier.  By
choosing standard identifier names one could quickly find the right
variable to change.

The problem here is that you would need one binary configuration program
for GNU C, one for Lattice, one for DRI, or whatever other symbol-table
formats there are, because I think they are all different.