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Bin utils patches

While we are on the subject, I remember that I once fiddled with a
couple of ifdef's in ld and ar, relating to filemodes. At least under
MiNT, I think that ld should leave programs with executable
permissions. To some filesystems, this actually makes a difference
(e.g. minixfs), and to some packages (for instance, the configuration
script of rcs uses compilation to a.out all the time, and this must be
executable for the subsequent tests to work) this difference is

I could dig up the patches if anybody is interested, and the always
busy team of the GCC maintainers haven't fixed it already.

Christian Lynbech               | Hit the philistines three times over the 
office: R0.33 (phone: 3217)	| head with the Elisp reference manual.
email: lynbech@daimi.aau.dk	|        - petonic@hal.com (Michael A. Petonic)