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Re: SCSI drivers (yet again)

>> Re: the discussion a couple of weeks ago.
>> Has anyone got a basic SCSI driver implementation.. I'd like to write a
>> driver for a Compatible Systems Ether+ SCSI ethernet adaptor.. and integrate it
>> into MiNTnet.
>> I picked up one of these boxes for #15 last saturday you see and I want to
>                                     ^^^
>> net work my TT with my Sun.
>was that a one time offer or is it possible to get more of these? I
>have been trying to find a cheap but fast way of networking my F030
>with my old MSTE, but SCSI to Ethernet converters are usually around
>#200, buying two of them and adding the price for the ACSI to SCSI
>converter, will make the whole thing very expensive...
>Did the box come with documentation? Do they require extended SCSI
>commands or can one connect them to the ACSI port (provided, that a
>adapter such as TheLink is installed)?

I bought it from a shop in Witney, Oxfordshire, which had a large number of
these boxes without documentation, cables or power supplies (5 to 12 volt AC
or DC, 20W). I can fish out the address if you want it.

The boxes were originally designed to be used with the Mac Plus, so it's
standard Mac SCSI (25 pin D connector) and the unit is terminated internally.

It should work with ACSI and a convertor, though I can't guarantee it. It
works on the TT (well it gets reset and accessed by AHDI) as long as it's
not been set to a SCSI ID directly after a disk drive and you use AHDI. AHDI
has a tendancy to crash the box, the ICD utils are ok.



Computer Systems Administrator, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Oxford University.
E-Mail: steve@uk.ac.ox.earth (JANET) steve@earth.ox.ac.uk (Internet).
Tel:- Oxford (0865) 282110 (UK) or +44 865 282110 (International).