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Re: Some thoughts on MiNT - Virtual Memory Manager (VMM) needed !!!

On Thu, 18 Aug 1994, Roland Givan wrote:

> Does this mean that MiNT is never really going to have VM? My knowledge
> of VM is limited, but MINIX didn't start with it either. Is it really going
> to be *that* hard to rehack MiNT to do VM properly?

In the sources there is a NULL initialized memory map called swap, and 
also a dummy function called init_swap (or something like that). This 
should mean that someone (Eric?) has at least been thinking about virtual 

Elias M}rtenson                         !  No joke here.
elias@proxxi.uf.se                      !  Sorry for the inconvenience.
C-programmerare och GNU-fanatiker       !