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Re: meeting the license

>>>>> "Mats" == Mats Loman <lom@tc.multi.se> writes:

Mats> RCS should be supported! 

RCS is supported. It should be at the archives, and all emacs-19 is
concerned about is the binaries. There not be reasons for extra kernel

Mats> ( I'm currently trying to port Emacs
Mats> V19.xxx to mint and Emacs 19 supports RCS. I would be interested
Mats> in the MiNT diffs for Emacs 18 )

This sounds very interesting. I have long wanted to undertake such a
venture, but being stuck with a 20 Mb disk severely limits the
possibilities :-(

However, I will suggest that you try to start from scratch rather than
trying to adapt the emacs 18 patches (if that was what you were
planning). They are quite large, and I have a strong suspicion that
much less work is needed now, given the quality and POSIX'ness of both
the kernel, libraries and filesystem.

What will be interesting is how well it will perform on a lowly system
such as my 1040. Emacs-18 is a little too close to the edge for my

Christian Lynbech               | Hit the philistines three times over the 
office: R0.33 (phone: 3217)	| head with the Elisp reference manual.
email: lynbech@daimi.aau.dk	|        - petonic@hal.com (Michael A. Petonic)