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Re: Slip Slidin' Away: Take 2

> If there is anyone who recognizes a problem, or you need more information to
> help me, then let me know.  The success using this connection will determine
> if I get a faster modem and/or if I take the plunge and get commercial net 
> access from home (to avoid all the firewalls here at work).

Someone told me about problems with slattach in MintNet 0.7. He (the one
who told me) runs Mint 1.12h2, MintNet 0.7, SLIP over modem2.

When he ping'd the other end he saw the modem send lights flash, but nothing
came back -- exactly your symptoms. But when he used the slattach shipped with
MintNet 0.6 everything worked fine.

However, I have send him diffs which might fix the problem, but got no answer
yet. A assume the problems arise out of the VMIN/VTIME stuff I implemented
into der SLIP Deamon, but at home over modem1 (TOS 1.4 and HSmodem before Mint)
everything works fine.

So please try the slattach from 0.6 and tell me whether this cures your
problems. BTW, you can test whether your link is 8 Bit clean by using
'linecheck' shipped in term-224.tgz.

You should also have a look at the SLIP interface statistics by running
'ifstats sl0' or whatever your slip interface is.

Kay Roemer              roemer@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de
"If I ever meet ..."    http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/~roemer/
"... myself I'll hit myself so hard I won't know who hit me" (Zaphod)