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Re: Some diffs for MiNT 1.12h3

What you wrote:

[MiNT trying to figure out what executable ran it.]

> Now that I've looked at the code, I think it's kind of kludgy: It may
> easily fail if MiNT has been run from another program (different from
> TOS' AUTO folder scanner), but still before GEM has been run.  In this
> case, it may look at a DTA area completely unrelated to locating the
> MiNT executable.
> I think it's better to keep it the way it is (looking only for
> MINT.PRG and MINTNP.PRG in the AUTO folder).
> Opinions?

How about searching for the first MINT*.PRG?  That would be a little
more flexible; I've got MINT112A.PRG in my AUTO folder, and MINT112.PRX
or something before it in case I want to fiddle with an old version.  I
usually keep the current version and the previous version around.

Otherwise, I suppose you could put MINT_NAME=c:\auto\mh112c.prg into
mint.cnf, but the mint.cnf parsing is pretty ugly, and this isn't really
a good solution for people using multiple version of MiNT.

Chris Herborth, R&D Technical Writer       Arcane  Dragon     chrish@qnx.com
QNX Software Systems, Ltd.                  -==(UDIC)==-         |||  JAGUAR
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