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MSTE/Falcon LAN sockets

Due to the recent demise of my faithful old STFM, I'm likely to be
buying a mega STE. I already have a Falcon, and have access to
another Falcon and MSTE. What I'd like to know is if it's possible to
network these under MiNT using the LAN sockets? I presume that one to
one would be fine, just using them as serial ports, but is there
anyway to use plain AppleTalk kit to network 3 or 4 machines and
actually have it work?

I presume there isn't (unless anyones written a MiNTNet driver and
not told me! Mind you, I haven't got 0.8 yet), but if anyone knows
otherwise, I'd love to know.


Xav <mbge4mdc@fs1.ee.man.ac.uk>