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gc - garbage collection library

I'm trying to port libscheme, Sather, and Python.  Python's going fairly
well, except for one nasty shell script that goes to sleep and never
comes back (not quite using "here" documents, but similar).  Will the
non-blocking-fork() version of MiNT help that?

libscheme and Sather both depend on gc, a garbage collection library
that replaces malloc()/realloc()/etc.  gc requires some low-level
knowledge about the machine that I don't have.  Help!  :-)  If someone
else wants to try porting this, you can grab it from

The clues I need for gc, are:

1) how do I find where the stack starts?

2) does the stack grow up?  (admittedly, a silly one, but I've
   long-since given my Atari assembly language book to someone else... 
   I never thought I'd need it)

3) what registers need to be preserved across system calls?  or should I
   just be paranoid and save d0-d7,a0-a7?

I'd really be happy if someone who knows more about the internals of
TOS/MiNT and Atari binaries would take a look at this... it's probably a
30-minute port for somebody with the right knowledge.

Chris Herborth, R&D Technical Writer       Arcane  Dragon     chrish@qnx.com
QNX Software Systems, Ltd.                  -==(UDIC)==-         |||  JAGUAR
http://www.qnx.com/~chrish/                     DNRC            / | \ 64-bit