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Re: Baserelative PML?

> I haven't seen anywhere a baserelative version of PML. Can't it be compiled
> as such (why)?

I would say you haven't looked thoroghly :-(. I have a base-relative
version of PML PL20 at home and use it regularly. It is a long time
ago that I downloaded it, but as far as I remember it was from
ftp.uni-muenster.de in the Gcc/Lib directory. The binary archive
contains standard and binary libraries for both, plain 68000 and


Wolfgang Lux
WZH Heidelberg, IBM Germany             Internet: lux@heidelbg.ibm.com
+49-6221-59-4546                        VNET:     LUX at HEIDELBG
+49-6221-59-3200 (fax)	                EARN:     LUX at DHDIBMIP