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Re: STonX
Chris wrote:
>All the ROM dumpers I've tried give me two bombs!
>I can't imagine why though... TOS 1.04, I'm dumping 0x00040000 bytes
>from 0x00e00000; as soon as I go to read 0x00e00000, I get two bombs.
>Does anyone have a clue for me? I'm getting real annoyed... I've tried
>two programs (one 68k assembly, one C), and Peacebug (a rather spiffy
>assembly-level debugger), and it's all bomb city. >:-\
I think you're dumping from the wrong address. Look in the OS header
to locate the start of the ROMs. (I can't remember the locations to
look at; the Atari Compendium has the details, though. In low memory
there's a pointer to the start of the ROMs, which then have pointers to
both the start and end of ROM.)
If I remember correctly, the ROMs are 196k long starting at 0xfc0000 in
TOSes before v1.06, 196k from 0xe00000 for TOS 1.06 and 1.62, and 256k
from 0xe00000 for TOS 2.00 and later.
But look in your OS header to find the correct numbers! I'm pretty
sure you don't need to be in supervisor mode or anything wierd like
that to read from the ROMs.
Hope this helps...
- References:
- STonX
- From: "Chris Herborth" <chrish@qnx.com>