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Re: Source distributions

On Wed, 21 Jan 1998, Bernd Ebert wrote:

> Hi Jan,
> >
> >On Wed, 21 Jan 1998, Konrad Kokoszkiewicz wrote:
> >
> >> >   http://homepages.fh-giessen.de/atariSt/ports.html
> >> 
> >> What is the correct URL? :)
> >
> >Ups. Make that
> >  http://homepages.fh-giessen.de/~hg6782/atariSt/ports.html
> >The server is currently not mine :o)
> I just tried your port of apache 1.2.4. I found out that it gives
> me the same problems as 1.1.3 on my hades:
> When running it as inetd then it crashes with a bus error after some
> accesses from cab or from my pc with netscape (There is an ethernet
> connection between them).

I didn't test it as inetd version. My Falcon is not that fast, that it can
start the http daemon when needed.

> When running it as standalone-server it works for some time and then
> it starts to answer very slow to queries or doesn't answer at all.

You are using CAB plus the MiNTNet Overlay by Howard, right? I found the
same bug, but only with this combination. I tried this with Lynx and had
no problems at all. When using queries, the Overlay connects the server
and waits, while locking, for an answer. The daemons look like they are
sleeping. Kind of deadlock. I looked at the log files after quiting CAB
and there was no entry for the last request. The system runs as fine as
before when CAB is quited, connections are possible again, so the server
seems to be ok. I will also take a look at the Overlay, what it is sending
when it comes to queries and I hope, it is not a bug in MiNTNet.
