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Re: TOS platform (Re: Opera)

On Wed, 28 Jan 1998, Konrad Kokoszkiewicz wrote:

> For PC - ok. For Mac, I meant 68k Apples.

68k-Apples are dead. If you want to use Mac-Soft in a reasonable speed you
need a PowerMac (ok, they are not dead right now, but is it really worth
spending much coding capacity to do an emulation which will be obsolete in
one or two years?)

> > I think PowerPC is the only real possibility, because it is the next generation
> > of the m68k-series.
> They're not compatible anyways.

I know that, but there are many different platforms which are using the
ppc as new Processor instead of 68k (Mac, Amiga, even some of the
VME-Machines are moving to ppc). There is a 68k-emulation-core available
from Motorola which is intendet to be used for this.
The main thing we would have to do is to rewrite those part of TOS which
are used by Mint and to recompile Mint for ppc. Nearly all Mintos-Stuff is
available as source-code, so it is possible to recompile it to make it
run native.

> Sven Karlsson worked on a PPC board (based on Amiga board), but where TF
> is Sven?! He seems to disappear at the end of 1997.

I don`t know that, but this was intendet to be an upgrade for falcon, I
thought about an new machine providing the processor-bus of the amiga.
