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Re: Preparing new distribution...

Martin-Eric Racine wrote:
> As I said, your lecture was interresting enough that I eventually
> loaded it into Everest and reformatted it for my own use, but then
> again I shouldn't have to. 

I'm sure there was something I'd read that was along the lines of '
"Be conservative in what you send and liberal in what you receive"

Perhaps it was something to do with the Internet philosophy, but then
what do I know?

You could always fix your mailer or get another one.

Anyway, one important distinction of files in /bin versus /usr/bin, etc.
is that the files in /bin are statically linked and those in /usr/bin
are dynamically linked.  So, when you boot in single-user mode (and don't
have dynamic libraries available), you can still do useful things like
recover your trashed /usr from backup.  It's also useful to have another
copy of / around somewhere, so that you can recover everything from backup.

Not that this really matters to MiNT, but ...


PS.  *WARNING*  Some of the lines in this message may exceed 65 (or even
72) characters in length, but there's still enough spare room for 2 levels
of quoting.
PPS.  It was only a message, there's no need to get in a tizzy about it.

    1024/55A5BC19        0F 3F 62 56 18 10 8B 84  43 8F F4 94 93 37 76 AA
