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Re: Asm or C

 >On Mon, 30 Mar 1998, Martin-Eric Racine wrote:
 >> Already, CAB has a few MagiC specific features, which partially
 >> alienates MiNT users, and it's likely things will move towards
 >> that direction in the future.
 >What parts of CAB needs MagiC? I have 2.6, and have never noticed any
 >restrictions under N.AES. Or are you talking about the modules that
 >needs that $%#/(%( wdialog?

Here are some exerpts from the beta-testing "NEW.TXT":

   ======= 12.02.1998 ========================================================
   - Drag&Drop of URLs to the "Trash" icon or "Clipboard" icon of the
     desktop deletes the URL or makes a copy of the URL in the clipboard.
     Works only if the desktop supports this (like the latest beta of Jinnee).
   ======= 03.01.1998 ========================================================
   - CAB is now able to connect automatically, if the URL is not in
     the cache. This works only with the latest version of PPP-Connect.
     This can be configured in the general options dialog. You have
     to install 'ICONFSET.CGF' for 'ICONNECT.PRG' in the desktop to
     use this feature. 
   - Under MagiC, MagiC itself underlines the character in dialog boxes
     for the keyboard shortcuts. This way the correct character is 
     underlined if a proportional system font is used.
   - Now, CAB uses the NVDI (next version) colour table. If you use this 
     colour table (which is also used by the new desktop "jinnee") there
     will be no more colour changes when topping/untopping CAB windows.

 >> is only speculation, but I suspect the only reason C appears a
 >> more portable language is because people working on *X systems
 >> constantly play with GNU stuff whose sources are in C; after a
 >> while, one gets accustomed to C practices and completely drops
 >> any memory of previous ASM experience.
 >3. The enormous amount of free C-libraries that's available.

Which is another benefit of GNU products that makes things a LOT
easier, especially since there are so few ASM libraries.

From: Martin-Eric Racine FUNKYWARE http://www.megacom.net/~q-funk
Atari TT030 12/1600 NVDI 4.11, MiNT 1.14.6, N.AES 1.1.0, GlueSTiK
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