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\n or \r\n?


I don't know if this is related to that recent fputc() patch, but an
output of simple printf("First line\nSecond line"); looks differently
under MiNT and TOS. Under TOS it does not return the carriage :-)
However the same program compiled under PureC works fine under TOS.

Shouldn't the MiNTlibs do automatic CR->CRLF translation on output
(under TOS at least)?

E-mail: stehlik@cas3.zlin.vutbr.cz                        PARCP developer
   WWW: http://cas3.zlin.vutbr.cz/~stehlik/              MiNTOS/Linux user
mirror: http://users.zln.cz/~pstehlik/                 Atari 800XL emulation
mirror: http://www.stehlik.cyberstrider.org/              Atari Falcon040