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Re: GEM and memory protection


> it seems from previous discussions that memory protection is practically
> unusable with GEM, mainly because of the AV protocol.

Or to be more precise, mainly because of badly written programs that
support the AV protocol. It is extremely easy to write a program to
support MP and the AV protocol - simply use Mxalloc as normal - and I
have seen this documented in relation to the AV protocol (was it in the 
Thing docs?).

ST Guide (not sure if latest version) is a key culprit of this, as if
you dont have it set to global it will cause many programs to be killed.

> What about a patch that would set the process protection flags to Global,
> if the process is a GEM application (i.e. it is launched by AESSYS).

No. I don't see why GEM programs that work fine with MP should be
unprotected simply because some programmers ignore it. A list of which
programs do not support MP and so should be set to global memory may be
of use...

> Has anyone experienced similar problem regarding Falcons and the memory
> protection? Seems like another "feature" of TOS 4.

MP worked fine for me until I added fx-ram to my Falcon, which causes
a crash (documented in the FX manual, and they have never found/fixed 
the bug in their drivers...)

Anthony Jacques           IRC: AnthonyJ | Bad Mood, GEM-DEU, FracTalk,
                          ICQ: 11287923 | STOS patching, Falcon Extn,
jacquesa@zetnet.co.uk                   | MiNT.CNF, Reschange, Tuna,
http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/jacquesa/ | and more... which shall I do?