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Re: MiNT lib PL48

On Wed, 13 May 1998, Mikko Larjava wrote:

> On Wed, 13 May 1998, Christian Felsch wrote:
> > I've tried to recompile the new MiNT lib using my new port of gcc 2.8.1 with 
> > gas 2.9. The new gas produces the following errors (temp.s, generated from 
> > _addsubd.cpp):
> > It looks like gas 2.9 doesn't support single numbers as lable names. If I 
> > rename one of these labels from <number> to _<number>, it works!?
> hmm... I don't have any problems with my port of gcc 2.8.1 with gas 2.9...


BTW, on a slightly different topic, the "temp.s" file is an ugly
kludge I devised to circumvent a problem with gas 2.51.  I need
to run crlf -s on some gcc-preprocessed assembler, otherwise gas
gets confused. 

Perhaps with gcc 2.8.x and gas 2.9, this is no longer needed.
Could either one of you (Mikko or Christian) find out for me?
Look for this code fragment in file mincl:

#	$(CC) $(PPFLAGS) -x assembler-with-cpp -c $< -o $@
	$(CC) $(PPFLAGS) -E -x assembler-with-cpp -c $< -o
	crlf -s temp.s 
	$(CC) -c temp.s -o $@

Just uncomment the first line and comment out the others.

