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Re: Loadable keyboards

On Fri, 19 Jun 1998 14:06:20 -0400, Martin-Eric Racine wrote:

MR>Since I finally tried Clocky, I like the approach of having 2 different
MR>keymaps, but the old KBD format is really limitted as it cannot produce
MR>a character unavailable in Atari's TOS

Clocky (and any XBIOS keytable) can produce any character from ASCII
range 0..255. So what's the problem?

MR>plus it doesn't recognize extra
MR>keys provided on PC keyboards used on clones.

Are they mapped as some well documented scan codes? If yes, I can add
them to Clocky's keyboard layout editor.

MR> For instance, ISO-8859-1
MR>(and PC keyboards, using ^ deadkey) has E-circ which Atari doesn't have.

I don't know what E-circ is, but if it's in ASCII range it must be
possible to put it on a key with Clocky. Just tell me the ASCII code of
E-circ and I'll map it for you on any key you'd want :-)

E-mail: stehlik@cas3.zlin.vutbr.cz                        PARCP developer
   WWW: http://cas3.zlin.vutbr.cz/~stehlik/              MiNTOS/Linux user
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