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tty direct connet login FIXED

For the last several months, I have been fighting a login problem on
on a TT030 with direct connected terminals. The problem was changed
terminal protcol from 8 bit to 7 bit. I assumed it was the login 
program that did this because the login prompt was ok. Garbled text
did not occur until the password prompt.
After confiring with Stephen Usher, who suggested the problem was the
getty program, I looked at the source for his Getty and the KGMD
modified Getty. The KGMD getty was modified to make window login work
better, but made tty logins not work in 8 bit mode.

The cure is to install the original getty from the mintos-1.4.1 pkg.
Thanks to Stephen and others you made suggestions to correct this pain
in the butt problem, that took all of 2 minutes to fix.
Thirsk Engine /Ponoka/Alberta/Canada
Email  thirsk@telusplanet.net