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Re: [MiNT] FreeMiNT 1.15.1 beta 0.4

> FN>Note: There are no longer special versions for 68040 or 68060. The
> FN>68030 is compiled with 68060 optimization that generate optimal code
> FN>for all processors.

'060 optimization should work pretty well for an '030, but the '040 is
actually rather different. I would only worry about that for really
critical inner loops (which I doubt there are any in this case), though.

> And this makes problems (at least with my configuration) which disapeared
> when I reset it to the old MODEL="-m68030":
> {standard input}:446: Error: scale factor invalid on this architecture; needs
> cpu32 or 68020 or higher -- statement `movew d3,a0@(a1:l:2)' ignored
> {standard input}:610: Error: operands mismatch -- statement `tstl a2' ignored

Those errors should only occur when assembling for an ordinary 68000, so
it looks like your assembler doesn't know about the -m68060 (or whatever)

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