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[MiNT] Mounting

On 30 Jan 1999, Jo Even Skarstein wrote:

> I don't have anything at all in fstab (why should I?),

Good question. :) Well except for the "automated minix finding" for fsck.

> and since the delay
> appears long before any scripts are run I really don't see how this can
> be a problem. I believe the "mount"-message is from NEWFATFS scanning/"mounting"
> FAT-partitions.

Aaah.. hmm I've never seen that but it must be something of the latest
kernel then, ok I didn't know that. :) In that case I'll probably have the
same delay when I upgrade my kernel.



* I don't believe in camera tricks.

*  What's more stupid than making a not-millenium-proof operating system?
**   Doing so in 1998.

          Maurits van de Kamp (maurits@bassment.demon.nl)

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