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[MiNT] administativia


Recently, a _lot_ of messages on this list present inapropriately
formatted texts.  Check your mailers for the following options:

1) Replies in the Subject line

   Ensure your mailer uses "Re:" to mark replies, not SV, VA, AV,
   or other localised abbreviated translations of "reply".

2) Character-set

   Either use "us-ascii" or some sort of ISO-8859 character-sets.
   Windows code-page and other X-romulan oddities are inapropriate 
   for emailing and newsposting purposes.

3) V-cards

   Please disable V-cards or any sort of appended documents and
   refrain from using HTML messages.  Plain text is mandatory.
   (PGP signatures can be pasted at the bottom, instead of attached,
    if you really need to include yours)

Similarly, many people apparently have forgotten about Netiquette
basics, so here is a reminder on some issues:

4) Update the subject

   If the original post was about "N.AES problems" and veered off
   on "XaAES development ideas" (for example), update the subject
   to reflect the change of discussion topic.

5) Don't reply to _everyone_

   If your reply concerns only to one of the original recipients,
   don't keep the addresses of everyone initially contacted in the
   first messages of a thread; reduce "To" and "Cc" headers lenght
   where appropriate.

Thanks to everyone for your co-operation.

Martin-Eric Racine       http://www.pp.fishpool.com/~q-funk/M-E/
The Atari TT030 Homepage       http://funkyware.atari.org/TT030/
Intellitel Communications  www.intellitel.com  +358 (5) 624 3283