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Re: [MiNT] memory fragmentation

On Sat, 14 Aug 1999, kellis wrote:

> Hi, been almost 4 days uptime. (so it IS stable).
> My question is:
> 19641712 bytes (19181K) in 112 blocks free, largest free block: 2383920
> (2328K)
> As you can see, i have 19meg free, and only 2 meg for largest block.
> huge fragmentation. 
> What can I do to prevent that as little as possible?
> How do other OS do?

  Well only thing what u can do, is to load some MOST used apps from
n_aes.cnf and never quit them.. I use everest as default viever so its
loaded all the time..  This way u have less ram after bootup, but it helps
slowing down the fragmentation.. But i guess u already use that?

  BTW i think its impossible for me to reach such uptime anyway ;) i run
lotsa weird apps and i succed to crash system soon or later ;) But
seriously, long uptime is good, but why not reset system from time to
time? I would be a lot more annoying if MiNT wouldnt be stable as it is,
and it is ROCK stable.....

							Semper Fi, SWE!