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Re: [MiNT] Detecting dialup connections

On Sun, 26 Sep 1999 17:34:11 +0200, Frank Naumann wrote:

>> And for those people that prefer the modem1, serial2, whatever/etc, maybe
>> Frank could implement a new mint.cnf directive, that people could use, to
>> add sym-links to what they are currently called, LEGACY_PORTS, or
>> something. In fact, maybe we could make some drastic changes to the naming
>> convention, whatever, in the forthcoming (Hi Frank!) kernel, that if
>> LEGACY_MINT, or whatever was defined, then the kernel would emulate it's
>> old behaviour. I'm not suggesting, do this right now, but it might be
>> worth striving for if we want to make [Free]MiNT a more useable,
>> up-to-date os.
>If we agree this is not a problem. But it make sense to only change it
>once (and then forever). So we have to think a little bit about it.
>PS: What's the conclusion about the xfs/xdd and cnf search path/behaviour?

I don't know. I'd like to see it limited to one set path however
it's not a big issue to me anymore. One thing is certain I'll probably
just stop stepping forward on IRC if someone needs help installing mint.
I just to time consuming going over such things on IRC anymore.  ;-)

Atari Computer User: Lonny Pursell        E-Mail: atari@bright.net
WWW: http://www.bright.net/~atari/       IRC: lp @ #Atari @ IRCnet