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Re: [MiNT] directory for config files.

On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 01:56:41AM +0200, Guido Flohr wrote:
>I still have no problems with more than one config/driver directory but I
>*do* have problems with that naming scheme (mint.prg vs. mintnp.prg vs
>mintvm.prg or what was it). The kernel doesn't need any external file
>system driver to read that file. It would work and we wouldn't have to
>explain newbies "well, the `exec' directive only gets executed in the
>second go while PROTECTION=on/off is only evaluated in the first go" ...

I want to say, that I fully agree here with Guido. I am using a boot
selector program (XBOOT) that complains every time I change the Name of the
MiNT executable, e.g. when I want to enable memory protection and I rename
mintnp.prg to mint.prg, XBoot complains that mintnp.prg is missing...
And in a mintboot.cnf, we could also determine where MiNT should look for
the mint.cnf, so that ./ , mint/ and multitos/ problem would be solved!?!
