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RE: [MiNT] which tty?

> This is a complete mess though, e.g. the TT have five different
> serial-ports, all of them with different (and mostly undocumented)
> characteristics.

What parts are undocumented?  All of them are pretty clear to me.

> Computer | Devicename | Connector | Speeds | Handshake | Driver
> ---------+------------+-----------+--------+-----------+-------

       (all)    modem1    modem1         ...19200    hardware    MFP
      Falcon    modem1    n/a            ...19200    hardware    MFP

          TT    modem2    modem2    38k4,76k,153k    hardware    SCC
    MEGA-STE    modem2    modem2    38k4,57k6,115k2  hardware    SCC
      Falcon    modem2    modem     38k4,57k6,115k2  hardware    SCC

          TT    serial1   serial1        ...19200    software    MFP-TT

 MEGA-STE/TT    serial2   serial2   38k4,57k6,115k2  hardware    SCC
M-STE/TT/Falcon serial2   LAN       38k4,57k6,115k2  software    SCC

1) serial1 only has TX and RX, no handshake lines.  

2) serial2 has all the control lines as modem2, except CD.

3) LAN and Serial2 share the same half of the SCC and are mutually
   exclusive.  LAN is selected by default, on bootup.

4) HS-Modem's SCC driver allows both "lan" and "serial2" to be present,
   but both ports are still mutually exclusive.  Selecting either device 
   automatically disables the other.

Traditionally, those device names are symlinked as follow:

modem1	= ttya
modem2	= ttyb
serial1	= ttyc
serial2	= ttyd
midi	= ttye

That particular list comes from the KGMD choices made by Knarf.

PS:  I personally use the original GEMDOS device names, because 
     using tty names is about as cryptic as it gets.  Human-
     readable device names are more user-friendly.

Martin-Éric Racine            The Atari Stacy and TT030 Homepage
Lappeenranta, Finland          http://members.tripod.com/~TT030/
   "When the time comes, I will know and I shall be."  Q-Funk