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Re: [MiNT] directory for config files.

On Thu, Sep 30, 1999 at 06:57:09PM +0000, kellis wrote:
> If in your /c/auto you have mintnp.prg 
> It will look for mint.cnf IN /c/mintnp/ folder (same for the xdd etc).
> If your /c/auto has minttest.prg for the kernel filename, it will look
> into /c/minttest/ 
> etc etc

This gets totally annoying if you have different kernels and/or switch
between modes with/without memory protection etc. - since we don't have
symlinks on the boot drive, we would have to duplicate the directory and
config files for every setup and kernel.

I think both an extra mintboot.cnf and reading mint.cnf twice are better
solutions than this proposal.

To me it seems that the separate mintboot.cnf (which can then modify the
mint.cnf location and name) would be the most flexible solution.

Michael Schwingen, Ahornstrasse 36, 52074 Aachen