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[MiNT] New signal SIGPWR - Power failure (restart)


I would like to add support for a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) to the
new init daemon.  But that requires a new signal SIGPWR.  I first tried to
simply add the signal as number 31 but if you compile that into the kernel
it will crash and I wasn't able to track the problem down.  Besides this
may lead to problems with existing programs (the array problem again, if
used as an index into sys_siglist it may crash).

I would propose to "sacrifice" SIGSYS ("invalid argument to system call")
instead.  This signal is never generated by the kernel and I have never
seen it used in source code.  IMHO the operating system should return
EINVAL instead of raising a signal when a wrong argument is given to a
system call (and in fact that is what MiNT does).

Anybody having problems with re-interpreting SIGSYS as SIGPWR from now on?

