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Re: [MiNT] SIGPWR (->Stack overflow and new linking format)

On Wed, Oct 27, 1999 at 11:34:03PM +0200, Thomas Binder wrote:
>But only for programs that can have a detached bs segment, i.e. one
>that can be placed on the boundary of a page, not directly after the
>data segment. And even then you don't know how much of this bss is used
>for the stack and how much for static variables, so it's hard to tell
>when the stack has actually grown too much (or better: When it has grown
>so much that a memory violation is triggered, a lot of local variables
>have already been overwritten, and thus it's unlikely the process hadn't
>crashed before).

What about introducing a new linking format to the MiNT kernel - perhaps ELF
like Linux did? I don't know the technical specification of ELF, but it's
seems to get standard as FreeBSD 3.x uses it now too?!
A new linking format could feature better stack control (and e.g. the programs
wouldn't have to use Mshrink at startup anymore), and things like shared
BTW: I heared that Magic already features shared libraries. What about MiNT?

 Thomas H.

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