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Re: [MiNT] Memory protection and speed


On Sat, Nov 13, 1999 at 10:23:24AM +1300, Mario Becroft wrote:
> I tried reducing the INITIALMEM variable in mint.cnf to 2 megabytes but it
> did not make any difference. I have a total of 66 megabytes of RAM in my
> machine (64 megabytes TT RAM and 2 megabytes ST RAM).

Well, the code for the 030 isn't quite that optimal, and initializing a
process' MMU table takes some time, and always refers to the whole
memory available.

The code for the 040 has become slightly better in that respect, but
unfortunately, the changes I've made there can't easily be incorporated
into the code for the 030 (and I also won't touch it, as I haven't fully
understood it - I'm dumb, you know ...)



Thomas Binder (Gryf @ IRCNet)  gryf@hrzpub.tu-darmstadt.de
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