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Re: [MiNT] What's in, what's out?

On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Guido Flohr wrote:

> Just my point of view.

I am not a MiNT developer but as a user I agree with everything you say,
Guido. The only reason I'm still using my TT is because of the
availability of modern UNIX software while using MiNT. Otherwise I would
probably just use a PC and make an effort to move all my Atari stuff over,
using an emulator where I absolutely need to use Atari software. To me
UNIX compatibility is the key feature of MiNT. However it goes without
saying that TOS compatibility is just as important, otherwise one might as
well use any UNIX clone. I just wish I could get this annoying UUCP
problem sorted out, but I'm working on it.

Also I have just had a lot of data corruption occur on my hard disc, and
while fsck was able to recover things pretty well one of the files I lost
was my mail since 1st of November. So if anyone has sent me anything
important in that time, I would be grateful if you could resend it. I
think I have already replied to most important messages though.

P.S. It comes to my mind I have an email from you from some time ago that
I never replied to... if it's still important could you email me again?
(This was not caused by data corruption but just my forgetfulness...)

| Mario Becroft           * Tariland, New Zealand Atari User Group      |
| mb@gem.win.co.nz        * Atari Hardware Developments:                |
| http://gem.win.co.nz/   * NEW: QWERTYX - PC AT Keyboard Interface     |