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Re: [MiNT] What's in, what's out?

On 25.11.1999, Guido Flohr <gufl0000@stud.uni-sb.de> wrote:

> Source-compatibility is a very important issue for me.  

Me too, but not at the expense of breaking documented features.

> My goal is that everybody installs a C compiler because this
> is a vital part of every operating system, but users will
> only accept that if it is really unproblematic to install the
> required tools and libraries.  

...and if they work.

Currently, the lib produces broken binaries that die with a
bus error, even with an indecently huge malloc in the header,
most of the time.  Only really simple apps work.

Yes, to answer an obvious question, I have installed the latest
mint-utils and bin-utils, and use GCC 2.8.1 from Frank's page.

Two problems:  that GCC is compiled to use libgnu by default, and
it doesn't seem to have /usr/lib in its default path; I have to
declare LIBGNU in my environment, before it found the specs.

Also, I cannot use 2.91 (it really is EGCS), because it reports
-mbaserel as an illegal option.  2.8.1 doesn't mind baserel, but
it won't work half of the time because whichever lib we need to
link against (e.g. ncurses, zlib, etc.) was only ported as basic.

Martin-Éric Racine            The Atari Stacy and TT030 Homepage
Lappeenranta, Finland          http://members.tripod.com/~TT030/
   "When the time comes, I will know and I shall be."  Q-Funk