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Re: [MiNT] MiNT-Net + GEM + Newsgroups?

Hi Maurits van de Kamp, on 19 Apr 00 you said:

 MvdK> The GEM version of NOS is called ICE, but I thought NOS and ICE
 MvdK> developed on independantly (I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a
 MvdK> new version of Atari NOS appear, when was it, a year ago?)

Yes, independantly... I even didn't know ICE! And the last version of NOS 
(0.51) appears in august 1999, not a year ago. That will be a shame that Mike 
de Petris stops to develop NOS. With its integrated multitasking, NOS is a real 
miracle as a software and Mike was working on using it's TCP/IP stack with CAB. 
AFAIK, it even already worked under MagiC but not under MiNT because of the 
incompatibilities of shel_write().

 MvdK> Anyway, if you would want to continue using Oasis (or any other
 MvdK> mail/newsreader that works with NOS), you could replace NOS with

It's LED and I don't really want to keep on using it, I've been used to it for 
years, for I used it for NeST, before Internet became so common. I could keep 
on using it since aMail loads the messages in a way 100% compatible with the 
gateway NOS<->LED but that's no use because aMail does all the work of the 3, 
NOS<-OpenHand->LED (from a user point of view).

 MvdK> Then again you'd probably better stick to aMail.. you must have

I'll stick to aMail when I'll feel ready to jump out of NOS world. Not yet. Any 
way, my choice is already made.

 MvdK> On an off-topic side note: Is it really necessary to mirror the
 MvdK> MiNTlist on a newsgroup (muc.lists.mint)? I am now receiving spam on my

It's not off-topic, it's about the MiNT list and I'm not sure that every one 
knows that we're mirrored on USENET. I didn't know...

See you later,

Remi Villatel
E-mail: maxilys@normandnet.fr