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Re: [MiNT] XaAES / GEM memory issues

Hi again,

"Konrad M. Kokoszkiewicz" wrote:
> > Me too, but you can't escape the fact that this is something that
> > *traditionally* doesn't belong in the GEMDOS. So adding GUI-related
> > functionality to this layer ("layer" in the sense that it runs inside the
> > kernel) doesn't break the design any more than the device-interface does.
> Gui related (or anything related) device driver: yes. This is perfectly
> okay, as long as this "driver" does not draw windows or manages clipping
> rectangles (because clipping is somthing that _is_ dependent on certain
> gui, isn't it?).

Ehh? no!

All efficient window systems I know of sends redraw messages to the
connected clients/applications whatever that force them to redraw only a
piece of the screen, i.e., the visible part of one of their windows.

This is a very common function that will be needed by AES,X11,W and so
on. Sorry Konrad, but this has already been pointed out by both Johan,
and if IIRC also Christer.

The device driver needs to know of windows and their visible areas to do
efficient filtering and so it needs to maintain som kind of clipping

And Konrad, I must appologize for my earlier posting where I said you
didn't realize what Jo-Evan where talking about. It became evident in
your later postings that you did. However, I didn't get those until I
have already sent my reply. I'm sorry for the waste of bandwidth.
