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Re: [MiNT] GEMlib/XaAES : graf_mouse(M_SAVE, M_RESTORE and M_LAST)


AB>i've been told that mt_aes defined the constant
AB>correctly (M_RESTORE=259, and M_LAST=260 also defined as M_PREVIOUS).

IMO the constans are correctly defined. Here what I found in the Compendium:

               M_SAVE       258   Save the current       No shape change.
                                  mouse form in an AES
                                  provided buffer.
                                  Check appl_getinfo()
                                  for the presence of
                                  this feature.

M_LAST 259 Restore the most Changes the shape
                                  recently saved mouse   as indicated.
                                  form. Check
                                  appl_getinfo() for
                                  the presence of this

M_RESTORE 260 Restore the mouse Changes the shape
                                  form to its last       as indicated.
                                  shape. Check
                                  appl_getinfo() for
                                  the presence of this

I agree that the value and text columns are right:
graf_mouse(258) save the current mouse form, and M_SAVE=258. It's fine.
graf_mouse(259) _restore_ the saved mouse form: why the name used is M_LAST. IMO it should be M_RESTORE. graf_mouse(260) set the mouse form to its _last_ shape. why the name used is M_RESTORE? IMO it should be M_LAST (or M_PREVIOUS).

What i suggest is that the compendium and gemlib are wrong, and MT_AES is right.

if in a C piece of code i found the followning:
/* some code */
/* some other code */
/* ... */

i expect the 2nd graf_mouse() call to restore the mouse form saved in the 1st graf_mouse call. Don't you ?

best regards,