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Re: [MiNT] fVDI issues

> > Perhaps the ARAnyM driver does something
> > that somehow interferes with Cconws()?
> Yes, Petr already made such a suggestion and it seems likely, that the
> Aranym itself is responsible for that rather than fVDI. Nevertheless, this
> is fVDI driver which (once loaded) causes this behaviour of the emulator.

It would seem so.

> > Well, you should not expect it to work after the physical workstation
> > is opened,
> Johan, please forget about workstations for the matter of this discuss. The

I know. I was just trying to be thorough and cover everything.

> > You might want to turn on some debug information in fVDI.
> And it will be visible where?

That would depend on how you configured it.

By default, Cconws to the screen is used, which would perhaps run into
the same problem you're trying to solve. But you could tell fVDI to send
it to any BIOS (Bconout) device, such as the serial port or the MIDI port.
Or, perhaps even better, to the ARAnyM console (via NatFeat).

>From the default FVDI.SYS:
# This will turn on a few debug features in fVDI if uncommented.
# If something bombs, the information given at startup (this is before
# fVDI is running, so it will be on the normal Atari screen) using
# this, together with what for example ERR_RPRT.PRG shows, is very
# useful.
# Multiple 'debug' turns on more debug output/features.
#debug debug debug

# This enables interactive debugging if uncommented.
# fVDI will stop and wait for key presses after displaying debug
# output. See the development documentation for more information.

# Uncomment this one if you want the debug output to go somewhere else
# than the screen. The number is a BIOS (Bconout) device, where the
# most useful ones are the parallel port (0), the serial port (1), and
# the midi port (3). Use -1 for ARAnyM console output and -2 to return
# to the default (screen output via Cconws).
#debugout 1

  Chalmers University   | Why are these |  e-mail:   rand@cd.chalmers.se
     of Technology      |  .signatures  |
                        | so hard to do |  WWW:      http://www.klockars.net
   Gothenburg, Sweden   |     well?     |            (fVDI, MGIFv5, QLem)