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Re: [MiNT] Mint 1.16b and MMU protection under Aranym

V St, 28. 07. 2004 v 08:41, Olivier Landemarre píše: 
> > Is someone know if Mint 1.16 can run with Aranym MMU emulation enable?
> >
> > I try it, but it crash at load of Mint with a Panic bus error.

I have a modified AFROS here running FreeMiNT 1.16b with MMU enabled.
ext2.xfs, minix.xfs and inet4.xdd loaded. Other modules cause a crash.


aranym.xif causes   MEMORY VIOLATION: type=super  RW=w  AA=4FC6594
xconout.xdd causes  MEMORY VIOLATION: type=super  RW=w  AA=4F82100
xaloader.prg causes MEMORY VIOLATION: type=super  RW=w  AA=4F61424

The 4Fxxxx addresses are for 64 MB of FastRAM.

BTW, sysctl from the tools folder works OK so it's not like Pexec was
not working at all or something.

> Just to said it looks an Aranym bug in MMU part so not a problem with Mint.

I know about a problem in the MMU part since I am trying to get
linux-m68k working so MiNT might suffer from the same problem. Or maybe
this is just incorrect MMU setup. I'd have to read the MMU_SETUP
documentation to understand it.
