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Re: [MiNT] Wheel support in XaAES


Arnaud BERCEGEAY wrote:

The below is how I imagine wheel-support can be done in XaAES and is already

What a good news ! Great :)

However, I think that we need to find a decent value for WM_WHEEL,
it is 345 for now. Anyway, test this and let me know how it works.

                       XaAES and wheel mouse handling.

  This has changed a little compared to the original documentation and
implementation. When the wheel is on a window whose owner dont know about
 mouse wheels at all, normal WM_ARROWED messages are sent.

... but only if the window has the corresponding slider, right ?
Yes, since I imagine apps that dont know about wheels and have no arrows
gadgets most likely will ignore WM_ARROWED messages anyway.... or?

There is no extra
 info added to these messages in this case, as it were in the original

I think it's not a pb. If one want to manage the wheel... then he just has to ask for wheel messages.
 Thats what I think too :)

Currently mouse wheel events are sent to the owner of the window underneath
 the mouse pointer

Very good :)
 thanks :)

in all cases except when owner of mouse_lock() is waiting
 for MU_WHEEL.

Well... i see 3 kind of applications:
- applications that don't support mouse wheel: they will receive standard WM_ARROWED messages only if the window has the corresponding slider.
 Almost. These kinds need to have the ARROW widget, not slider.

- applications that support WM_WHEEL messages: they will receive WM_WHEEL messages on mouse wheel click (msg[3] is the window under the mouse, even if the window doesn't have the corresponding slider)
 Again, its the ARROW widget, not slider :)

- applications that manage mouse wheel thru MU_WHEEL data. The main evnt_multi() loop has the MU_WHEEL bit set, but this application may perform some evnt_mesag() calls, or some evnt(MU_MESAG|MU_TIMER) calls and here, the message WM_WHEEL should not be sent (imo) !
The problem is for the 3rd kind of application. If the application is 
busy  sending and receiving AES messages (GEMscript, VA-protocol...) and 
uses a  second evnt_multi(MU_TIMER|MU_MESAG) loop for that purpose, in 
that case a  mouse wheel click shall not be transformed to a WM_ARROWED 
message, nor to  a WM_WHEEL message.
This is an important point for me, because with the current design of  
mouse wheel in XaAES, all my softwares will be of the 3rd kind.
I propose a simple solution few lines later...

              msg[0] = WM_WHEEL ( 345 )
              msg[1] = ID of sender
              msg[2] = ...
              msg[3] = window handle
              msg[4] = orient
              msg[5] = wheel ID
              msg[6] = wheel amount
              msg[7] = Not used, always 0
               'orient' is a bitmask where bit 0 indicates direction, and
              bit 1 indicates orientation;

               bit 0  -  0 = up or left
                         1 = down or right
               bit 1  -  0 = vertical (bit 0 indicates UP/DOWN)
                         1 = horizontal (bit 0 indicates LEFT/RIGHT)

              'wheel ID' contains the wheel number. 0 is wheel #1, etc..
          'wheel amount' holds the number of wheel-turns.

I like this message... but an important information is missing: the position of the mouse pointer (x and y). Without this information, the message seems useless for me (anyway, it's far better than WM_ARROWED/WA_WHEEL (IMO)).
 I completely agree, we need to find a way to provide X and Y of mouse 
too. Problem is... how?
XWHL_AROWWHEEL ( 1 ) This is the default wheel_mode set if the value passed is outside the available range. When this mode is selected, normal WM_ARROWED messages are sent upon each wheel turn. With this mode, WM_ARROWED messages are send even when
              the window has no ARROW gadgets.

Good !
 Thanks again :)

           XWHL_SLDRWHEEL ( 2 )
When wheel_mode is set to 2 (XHWL_SLDRWHEEL), XaAES converts
              wheel turns into slider movements. XaAES sends standard
              WM_VSLID/WM_HSLID messages reflecting the wheel turns.

I think i understand the reason of this mode. In most systems that support the wheel (i only tested mandrake and windows), a mouse wheel click is equivalent to 3 (it's an average) line up/left/dw/right messages. For example, in my xterm windom (under linux), the window content scroll by 3 lines per mouse wheel click.
the slider equivalent is a good idea, but the AES is not the right 
place  for that (IMO). The right place for such stuff (transform mouse 
wheel  click to movement of several lines) is a higher GEM library like 
cflib or  windom. Furthermore, i don't think that this mode will made 
the programmer  life easier. If a programmer want to transform a mouse 
wheel click to  several lines movement, then the easier way is to catch 
WM_WHEEL message  and call 3 times the internal function "move 1 line 
up/down" of the  application.
 Here I dont agree. The idea of having the AES do this is because then 
the user can set a wheel-sensitivity that goes for all apps supporting 
this mode. Using this mode is no harder than with normal WM_xSLIDE 
messages, the only difference is that the position value in the 
WM_xSLIDE message is passed back when setting the new slider position. 
If the application in question do not do any snapping or such stuff, the 
two values used in wind_set(handle, WF_xSLIDE, newposition, msgposition, 
0,0) will be the same. The problem is that the AES needs to accumulate 
real changes to be able to "pass a snap", if you know what i mean. So, 
the only diff is one extra param when setting the position of the slider.
BTW, there's a missing wheel_mode :

XWHL_MUWHEEL_ONLY, or XWHL_QUIET, or XWHL_NO_MSG to tell the AES that the application will call event_multi() with MU_WHEEL when he'd like to read mouse wheel events. The AES shall never transform mouse wheel click to message.
 Yes. This sounds reasonable. Regarding MU_WHEEL events, read what I 
wrote at line 421 in xa_evnt.c and give me your thoughts. I think we 
should follow my reasoning there :) Since we wanna add fselect()/fpoll() 
 functionality via evnt_multi() perhaps an extended version of 
evnt_multi() is in place?
for the naming of the constant, i would vote for removing the first 'X' letter (WHL_REALWHEEL is ok, no need to prefix with a 'X')
 Fine by me :) The 'X' came from XaAES :)

best regards,

PS: i'm very happy with the work done on the mouse wheel in XaAES... i hope my atari hardware will soon support the mouse wheel ;)
 The current stuff works great with my Milan :)


  Odd Skancke