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Re: [MiNT] What means:block_IO:RWABS fail (ignored, -10))


Error code 10 is EWRITE, write fault. This means that some sectors could
not be written back to drive O: (hardware fault probably).

Time for a new harddisk I suppose or can the fault be fixed?
It's a 2 GB ext2fs partition.

This error may also happen if you enable write protection in hddriver. With hdrutil you can also run a bad sector test to see how much failures do you have.

SCSI discs should be able to remap bad sectors if you format the unit (as long there are not too much bad sectors). You can also run the tool badblocks (part of ext2-utils) to get a list of defective sectors and on initializing the partition new you can use the defective sector list to map these sectors out (mke2fs have such an option if I remember right).

Personally I wouldn't trust this drive anymore if the drive have several new defective sectors in a short time.


e-Mail: fnaumann@freemint.de