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Re: [MiNT] WCOWORK vs WINDOM for components

Quoting Arnaud BERCEGEAY <arnaud.bercegeay@free.fr>:

If you introduce a feature supported by windom "because of AES lack", then
i'll try to support it in windom without hesitation. Frames in window may
be one of them (windom have its own routines to draw and manage sliders
which cannot be consistant with the AES because of the lack of AES).
While your English may be slightly off, the meaning behind the words is 
dead on.
This is the sort of thing that would really help both the library and the
application developers, and it would indeed require support of the AES to be
done robustly.

This is very wrong. New features NEED the support of the AES... and new
AES features need the support of application to be widely spread. Let's
work together.
Well said.