AB>because wind_get(WF_WORKXYWH) is buggy in some AESes : with buggy AES, AB>wind_get(WF_WORKXYWH) forget to take into account the height of the AB>toolbar. And which AES are buggy? And how can they be detected?
I have no idea. I've never meet this bug by myself : i use windom which have a workaround for that kind of bug... and this "workaround" works well for bug-free AESes too, so no need to detect that kind of AES.
BTW, the new appl_getinfo() bit may be used to indicates that TOOLBAR are supported and that wind_get(WF_WORKXYWH) is not bugged (i mean the bit for wind_set(WF_WORKXYWH)).
best regards, Arnaud.