Ingo Schmidt wrote:
Hi everyone! I know this might be a bit offtopic, but I dont know where else to put it, so it comes up here: I have been trying out MyAES, latest version and it fails on my Milan060, MagiC-PC, Win-Aranym and Linux aranym. Which OS is MyAES supposed to work with? Does it work with MiNT at all? Does it work with memory protection enabled? Do I need a special driver/setup? I actually did manage to start it 2 or 3 times, but it didnt last longer than 5 minutes before it froze. Someone made an aranym disk image, but this one also ended with a System halt on Aranym. So what is the intention of MyAES? How do I get it to run with MiNT and MP? Can it be clean, but not be a kernel module? I am sorry to say this, but I have spent a few hours trying to get MyAES to run but it crashed on any system I have, so I guess MyAES is full of bugs?! Cheers, Ingo =;->
HelloI don't why you ask about this on Mint mailing list before ask to the author (me) to help to solve trouble, I'm actively working on it, and a new version will be avaible soon I hope.
For your question, MyAeS is unfinish for work under MP, but it should launch a part of softwares, for this you should change a flag in myaes.cnf configuration flag you should have
MYAES_memoire_protegee=1 or MYAES_memoire_protegee=2Without this it crash before have start the desktop! I should probably ask to system if it work on memory protected or not, I have no idea how to do this. By default this value is to 0 that is faster than other mode (for desktop redraw), because MyAeS is not a kernel module and not manage system process.
In a not MP system, MyAeS should work, I use it all the days 2 or 3 hours without crash, I know softwares crashing and some not correctly working (like Jinnee double click on desktop) of course.
It's a long time ago I have not test in MP mode because I have only Aranym to do this, for next realease I will try to do this.
Just send me directly mail, we will try to fix bugs with your test help. Olivier