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Re: [MiNT] Long filename support?

> There is an unofficial unreleased alpha or beta (?) version 
> from THiNG that supports very long filenames, I think a few 
> people in this mailinglist have it (I'm not one of them)

Yes. I have it, but there are still limitations for the filename length.
Therefore I bought Jinnee where the filenames might be longer but
unfortunately I got some CDs with long filenames that aren't support by
Jinnee either.

Seems to me that the development of Thing stopped a long time ago and
actually I don't believe that there will be a new official version soon
(if ever). One thing :-) I also miss in Thing is the support for
background pictures with more than 256 colors.
> You should also give the latest teradesk version a try. It's 
> free, still under active development, and it supports those 
> very long filenames. 

Are there any current screenshots of Teradesk somewhere available?

