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Re: [MiNT] mgw compile error

On Wed, 21 Sep 2005, Standa Opichal wrote:

To compile up-to-date kernel you need up-to-date CVS version of mintlib.

OK. I understand.

But for me this creates a practical problem that I'd like to discuss here: I'm maintainer for a few simple RPM packages in the SpareMiNT repository. Once in a while I update these with newer versions. Now I don't want to update the mintlib files in my include and lib directories with CVS versions. I want to use the latest version that is available as stable SpareMiNT rpm package. Packages in the SpareMiNT repository should be buildable using libs that are available in that same repository.

And having two different mintlibs on my system is something I'm not looking forward to. Big changes in mintlib only occur once in a while but certainly not every day. Maybe mintlib package in SpareMiNT should be updated after every small but important change.

That would help me anyway.

Same story for gemlib and cflib.


Martin Tarenskeen