On Sun, 2006-01-08 at 12:20 +0100, Dennis van der Burg wrote:
A few days ago I tried out the latest MiNT/XaAES snapshot 1.16.3a
with TeraDesk3.70 on my TT030 with 4MB ST-RAM, and I was able to
boot just fine, leaving about 1.5MB memory free.
This made me try FreeMiNT1.16.x/XaAES on a MegaST4 (before, I gave
up trying because I thought 4MB RAM was not enough). Wouldn't it be
great to see the speed improvements of kernel-module-XaAES on a
machine that most needs it ;) I did use the mint000.prg/xaaes000.km,
had no other programs in the auto-folder besides mint, no ACC's and
no XFS/XDD loaded. I had put Debug/trace level to 3.
Below my experiences.
(a) 1.16.3a snapshot from 31-12-2005 (http://xaaes.atariforge.net)
The startup of FreeMiNT appears to be OK, but as soon as the part
'Reading mint.cnf ... done' should have come up, the system freezes
with 11 bombs. Needless to say, that also stopped me from testing
the accompanying XaAES.
(b) 1.16.1 official (11 oct 2004)
The startup of FreeMiNT goes OK, after which XaAES is started (with
xaeloader.prg from within the mint.cnf), which seems to go OK
initally, but then I end up with a blank screen saying 'press any
key to continue ...'. Doing that gives me a blinking cursor in the
left upper screen, after which the system reboots.
I have included a piece from the xaaes.log below.
---- snip ----
Screenmode is: 1
Physical work station opened: 1
v_exit_cur ok!
v_opnvwk failed (0)!
k_init failed!
press any key to continue ...
Cleaning up ready to exit ...
---- snip ----
If I start NVDI4 before MiNT, XaAES (AESSYS) gives a bus-error just
after "Screenmode is: 1", and the text "pid0 (): assert
(`curproc->stack_magic == STACVK_MAGIC') failed at line 505 of
../sig_mach.c." appears.
best regards,
Excellent excuse to power on my Mega STe :-P